Category:Computer Hardware & Software -> Software
Country:All countries
Country: Poland
Region: Silesia
City: Katowice |
Street: 1-go Maja 133
Phone: +48 32 2090685
Fax: +48 32 2090695 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
KAMSOFT provides advanced computerization services for most important sectors of Polish economy: industry, commerce and management, telecommunication, finance and health care.
The years of experience and practical market knowledge allow the Company to offer a wide range of services: compex deliveries and implementations of integrated management systems, long-term technical service, consulting and training, outsorcing, data processing, marketing, IT equipment deliveries, etc. All the products delivered[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lubusz
City: Zielona Góra |
Street: Chopina 13 b
Phone: +48 68 3280000
Fax: +48 68 3268605 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
TRAX is an IT company offering modern IT solutions to help to manage business of companies in the field of finances, sales, manufacturing, logistics, repairs, human resources, mass purchasing, client service and contacts.
Not only do we provide our customers with software and hardware but with IT services as well as business process analysis, problem identification, building projects, building computer network, hardware de-livery. After implementation we offer trainings and consultations for our[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Łomianki |
Street: Łąkowa 15
Phone: +48 022 7511916
Fax: +48 022 7511916 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
SMARTTECH has been present on the optical measurement market since 2000. Our offer is based on the latest scientific and technical achievements that combine high quality with reasonable price. Our products are highly evaluated not only on Polish but also on French, British, Swedish and German markets.
Our offer is based on four product groups:
1. Scanner3D Family – a non-contact measurement system for 3D objects' shape measurement along with their texture capturing for technical and multimedia[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lower Silesia
City: Wrocław |
Street: Chociebuska 11
Phone: +48 071 3544776
Fax: +48 071 3580499 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
SYSTEmEG is specialized in creating software to the client's order.
We ensure an adaptation of every IT system to your individual needs and characteristic of your company's activity. We create individual IT solutions concerning many branches of economy in a close cooperation with the Customer in order that he can have a straight impact on creation of application. We create IT systems based on newest IT solutions and technologies, using wide range of programming environments like Delphi, C++, Net,[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa |
Street: Smoleńskiego 1
Phone: +48 22 3111818
Fax: +48 22 2013179 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
M2 NET Spolka Akcyjna is an international join-stock company with headquarters in Warsaw, Poland. It is represented by partners in UK, France, Germany and USA. Founded in 2000 it became the first and leading company in Central Europe in creating universal world-wide mail protecting systems.
M2 NET S.A. provides high-tech, innovate and intelligent solutions to protect mail and create secure e-mail traffic. At this moment more than 8 million people are using technology used by M2 NET.
M2 NET[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa |
Street: al. Jerozolimskie 200
Phone: +48 22 5781078
Fax: +48 22 5781079 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
A mission of the company and the ambition of employees is to be a competent centre in business consulting for medium sized companies, that want to stay in the market, which becomes more and more competitive. We want to fill the gap, that is not occupied by large consulting companies. We would like to offer you quality on the highest level.
We introduce modern management techniques to companies trying to show those elements, that are the most suitable for the new model of work(which we worked out[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdańsk |
Street: Kielnieńska 106
Phone: +48 58 3446792
Fax: +48 58 3446792 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Agencja HetMan, z siedzibą w Gdańsku, powstała w 1995 roku. Od początku naszej działalności zajmujemy się głównie zagadnieniami związanymi z legalnością oprogramowania komputerowego.
Dzięki sukcesom odnoszonym na tym polu podjęliśmy współpracę z firmami będącymi właścicielami praw autorskich programów komputerowych. Posiadając ich pełnomocnictwa (w chwili obecnej współpracujemy z 28 producentami i właścicielami) chronimy ich prawa autorskie współpracując z organami[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Poznań |
Street: Naramowicka 175/8
Phone: +48 61 8244098
Fax: +48 61 8244098 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Firma powstała w 1999 roku. Uczestnicząc we wdrożeniach z zakresu SZJ oraz IT, tworzący ją zespół zdobył bogatą wiedzę i doświadczenie. Nasza oferta skierowana jest do Przedsiębiorstw oraz Instytucji, które w ramach rozwoju systemu zarządzania, podjęły decyzje o wdrożeniu lub doskonaleniu systemu, w oparciu o reguły określone w normach ISO.
Oferowane przez nas usługi obejmują wdrożenia systemów informatycznych, Systemów Zarządzania Jakością oraz związane z nimi szkolenia.